...a long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...oh hang on, wrong saga...
(I apologise that the next couple of blogs will be a little on the heavier side - they're all in service of explaining a technique I use...bear with me though, the ride is worth it)
Part One - Homeopathy
...to preface this, I would like to state that I am not a classical homeopath, and that I have never been trained as a classical homeopath - this means that my explanation of homeopathy is purely from my point of view, and may not be the strict definition...
...let's start with the easy part - what is homeopathy?? Well, if I followed the classical definition, it would be the practice of treating like with like...yeah, I've got that slightly bemused look on my face too - the one that says "what exactly does that mean?"...let me take you through how I look at homeopathy...
...what homeopathy is not is energetic medicine - homeopathy takes a substance through repeated dilutions (hence the 4X, 12X etc on the side of some homeopathic preparations - it's an indication of how many times the dilution has been performed) until you're left with a preparation to treat the body...
...what this makes homeopathy is micro-dosing - this essentially means you have a preparation that holds parts per million or parts per trillion of a substance. The first question usually fired at me here is:
"...how can something in that low a dosage affect my body?"
...and my usual answer is to pull up the following example of how homeopathy works - say we have a substance in a human body that exists in the ratio of 20 parts per trillion, and we change that to 49 parts per trillion - would you expect any dramatic change in the body?? Most people would expect that this small a change would have very little global affect - well congratulations, you've just denied every woman on the planet their ovulation and menstruation...
...get it?? Homeopathy works right down on that very hormonal / neurotransmitter level of the body...it aids the body in stimulating it's own natural processes...
"...yeah, but they've got drugs that do that too, why should I use homeopathy??"
...let's ignore the fact that drugs do not work like that, but yes, why should you use homeopathy?? This requires a bit of a personal story, and possibly explains a lot about why I do what I do for a living - when I was a young boy, my mum, like mothers in that period, would give me Panadol syrups when I had a fever or was sick. The problem was that I would often vomit (sometimes projectile vomit) afterwards - my body was reacting negatively to the medication - I was chemically sensitive. This is why I use homeopathy - for me, I don't get side effects, and my recovery is often a lot quicker than what would be expected...
...so, essentially - homeopathy = mirco-dosing of the body with a natural substance that stimulates the body's natural action and has a greatly reduced incidence of side effects...
...the next part of this blog will deal with the branch of homeopathy that I do use called homotoxicology - and if you don't show up to read it, I'm sending this guy after you:
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